Friday, December 27, 2019

Essay about Divorce Laws and Divorce Rates - 2151 Words

Divorce laws in the United States are significantly more lenient today than they were many years ago, especially during that of the WWII era. A marriage defined by Merriam-Webster is a legally sanctioned contract between a man and a woman to be together for life. This definition is not so far from that of the religious definition of marriage. From a religious stand point, however depending on your specific religion, marriage is meant to be a union of a forever relationship even through eternity. Though both the dictionary and religious definitions of a marriage seem similar enough and straight forward enough to understand for those who are willing to take that forever leap into an eternal bond there are those who depend on the easier†¦show more content†¦The government needs to make changes to the Divorce Act if there is ever going to be a change in the high divorce rate that is so clearly evident in our society. There is no disputing it the evidence is clear that obtaining a divorce in today’s world is by far made more easy than that of historical times, however that doesn’t mean marriages mean any less now then they did then, they are just able to be more clearly analyzed and fit to wants and needs instead of necessity. A divorce can be obtained as easily as a driver’s license depending on the type and couple involved. The Divorce laws in many states, including my native state of Indiana make it as simple as printing off your own forms, signing it and turning it in for a fee. Not only has divorce become easier just in Indiana but in the country as a whole. It can be as simple as printing off a form, signing, dating and turning it like it was one big research paper from start to finish. Over the years divorce has been easier to obtain. According to the Huffington Post the commonality of divorce was low until after WWII. Also known was that up until the time of that war the United States had one of the lowest divorce rates in t he Western World. A common belief of why the United States had such a low divorce rate was because it was seen as socially unacceptable, aShow MoreRelatedThe Effect of Law Changes on the Growth of Divorce Rate Essay731 Words   |  3 PagesThe Effect of Law Changes on the Growth of Divorce Rate Divorce is the legal termination of a marriage. There is no doubt that divorce is much more common, becoming a norm almost. If present trends continue, it is estimated that 1 in 3 marriages will end in divorce, but is it the alteration in the legal grounds that is causing this trend? In this essay I will look at the other aspects that could be the foundation for the growth of divorce and state which I think is Read MoreThe Divorce Rate Of America959 Words   |  4 PagesDivorce Rate Throughout time, practices that were once never used, become more common. 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